
Life core

What's  your goal in your life ?

I would think to be a little white collar with some status employee !

What is your life core value ?

This time I THINK seriously are hardworking , learning and achieving !
Hardworking is a spirit i never give up on something and with thousand times to try or practice something until i make it.

Learning is I have the courage to admit what Ive done or what i should do in a right way !

Lastly, achieving is my fruitful ! I satisfy with my performance and yet i enjoy every step during the process!
What do you expect in your future ?

Firstly, i want to complete my degree on time.

Second , i need to find my love.

Next, increase my saving and save money for my next trip !

Lastly, i want to go to paris with my love !

Family is very important in life. This is a bond with blood that you cant separate and deny. In my life i haven't enjoyed what is family life, so for the rest of my life i have to find a right partner who really can give me warm of family. Don't ask me , why about my life is looking for my love. Imagine your family is not your loved one, what is your feeling ? Joyful or not ? Family is my core is what i really desire in my life.

Hi, my love can you see this post ?
I'm waiting for you !

