
Grow along with me, the best is yet to be.

So sweet.
Having a partner go to others countries with you.
He takes photos with you, be your personal photographer, your friend , your personal GPS , personal body guard.
Everywhere you go, he would hold your hand tight afraid that you would get lost.

The first coming year, the next years and the more coming years.
He would beside of you, take care of you.
Get along well, become older and die together.
Such a beautiful story.

I hope I would meet him one day .
Finding a sweet place, someone have been waiting for me for a long time.

A difficult task ! Hahaha ...
But I hope that I will meet him soon !
That's great !

I feel sad , when I heard the twilight songs. Something is missing from my life .
Any love story can recommand to me ?

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