
First Graduation Party in 2013

Hello guys! I'm back from my graduation party. 
The main characters in the story ! Aladdin and his princess. Sorry about that, I don't have Disney memory in my childhood. (T.T) 

She is my model of today. I'm the makeup artist.
But I'm not intereseted to be a makeup artist!
 This boy is Koh Zhi Qi !!!! Derek Koh !!!! The funny boy he is.
 Oh this is my handsome work partner. We worked in pair. And he is sit beside with me every day. Study with a handsome boy do I focus on my studies? hehe...
His name is Foong Zhi Sheng.
His name was sounded like my a friend. The first day, I was shock with this! 

Yeah! You're right! 
I just passed my final test. I felt over the moon. So now, I complete the beginning level.

This month I had learnt a lot of grammar which I should learn from in primary school. Unfortunately, when I studied in primary school, I didn't learn properly. So, now I have to pay for learning English from the basic!

'This will be your foundation in 103.’ 
Yes, truly. 
But I still have something I couldn't manage it. 
Maybe I seldom speak in English, step out from my school then we start to use mandarin. 

Teacher Terri always said ‘You have a lot of grammar knowledge, but you didn't use it in your writing and in your speaking, that will be no point.’ 
Yes, I agree with the statement, but when I speak out, there is no grammar in it. 
I need some time to think about it, I need some time to use what I had learnt. 

Teacher Terri just told me ‘Practice, more practice, you need it!’ Fine, I will try my best as more as I can. Work hard for my next level.

I know what I want, so no matter how hard is it, I just will try it. 
Keep trying, I won't give up easily. 
I believe I can fly. My dream will come true. 

The moment you missed it, you will regret in your future. 
I will hold it tight, because the chance just has once.

Oh yeah! This few days is my holidays! Let me have a break and enjoy!
Oppssss !!!! I realize that my face is become round !!! == Gain weight again ==

